A promise to oneself that "I AM" the one who will initiate change.
"It was really amazing. I love how it got me thinking about my school and how I can make an impact"
"We talked about ACTUAL problems in our school and had a chance to brainstorm ways to fix them"
"Get more students involved in THIS!"
IM:PACT Challenge Student participant feedback - St. Ignatius of Loyola SS, Oakville, Ontario
The IM:PACT Challenge is an innovative 1/2 or full day deeply interactive leadership workshop session for school leaders, teams or staff. This goes beyond normal brainstorming... we call it "Solution Swarms" - guided ideation, based on a proven method used in corporate settings around the world. Participants are guided to narrow down macro or micro issues to create actionable solutions to truly spark change in their school, their community and their world. Facilitated by Ian Tyson; participants will walk away able to connect deeper and think bigger about issues that truly matter to them. They will make choices based on collective needs, motivations, and who they as leaders serve. They will be encouraged to ask bigger questions and in turn, tangible solutions will be forged. There is accountability follow up with Ian, and it is all in support of the youth not-for-profit The Inside>Out Initiative.