For 35+ years, Ian Tyson has been entertaining and inspiring audiences across North America to realize their potential, and seek happiness in life. Ian’s high-octane presentations are sure to keep any audience in stitches and leave them with words and thoughts to live by. Combining hilarious and heart warming story telling, observational humour and meaningful life lessons; his assembly programs are always on point.
He is one of North America's top inspirational speakers, and has spoken at hundreds of schools, TEDx, and dozens of conferences about teaching optimism, resilience and kindness. Ian's book, "Hooray For Everything! The Optimist Manifesto" is an insightful collection of stories, and ideas about finding and keeping positivity. Also an avid home cook, who brings his positivity to the kitchen and was featured on the Food Network Canada show “Wall of Chefs” in 2020, and created an online cooking show of his own during lockdown called "The Confined Kitchen".
"RePurpose - LIVE" with Ian Tyson
A brand new kind of keynote presentation from Ian Tyson, is heading your way. Utilizing a new software, "RePurpose - LIVE!" puts your audience in charge of the content of the keynote. After an opening and introducing this concept, the audience votes in real time as what stories Ian will tell next, creating a "Choose Your Own Adventure" Keynote. Ian has no idea what's going to happen, or which combination of stories from across his career will be called upon! Let's remember the power of our own choices and create something new together and live on stage. Infall of 2024 "RePurpose - LIVE!" is coming to a stage new you!
Gratitude for past clients
Ian's presentations are injected with humour and relatable story telling, and always curated to your needs and learning outcomes. While pre-pandemic, there were a selections of set "shows" to choose from, now things are much more customized to your needs, drawing from the wealth of material Ian has developed in his career. His presentations, Hero Inside, Hooray for Everything!, Unlearn and Feed My Life entertained and inspired for years, and carry valuable lessons and takeaways for audiences, including:
School Culture, Positive Attitude, Resilience, Fear, Choices, Intention, Respect, Kindness, Dealing with Stress, Overcoming Obstacles, Servant Leadership, Gratitude, and Finding Your Motivation, among many more!
Drawing from Ian's extensive background in leadership training and group facilitation, he has a wealth of workshops to help leaders at all levels create better programs, be stronger teams and lead more effectively. Ranging from 30 mins to full day, workshops can be customized to your school or conference needs and can cover a myriad of topics and activities, including:
Creating Events that Matter
Team and Trust Building
Finding Your Leadership Why!
Cultivating School Culture
For more in-depth ideation and a student focused workshop, check out the newest program - The Im:Pact Challenge - a collaboration between Ian and Sunday+Night, in support of the Inside>Out Initiative.
In this time of uncertainty, social distancing and new directives in education, we are all working together for the greater good. Ian recognizes that some schools and districts, may not yet return to full assemblies. Yet, we all still need effective tools and resources to cope with stress, unlock resilience, find our optimism and perhaps have a laugh along the way.
There is still work to be done, and stories to be told, and Ian is ready, willing and able to conduct keynotes, workshops and in-class programs in a live virtual setting.
Options Including:
- Flexible range of content and pricing models
- Shorter Presentation Length to accommodate virtual
- Live or Pre-recorded streams available
- Integrated Class Programs
- Higher level of interactivity